Canine Bowen Institute

100% Online Animal Bowen Therapy 

Gift yourself $300 OFF Promo code: Quick300

You'll be taken to the Response5 website. That's where all the magic happens...

Canine Bowen Quick Pro combines world renowned Response5 and the power of  Whole Body Balance to bring you exactly what you need to address deep neurological issues (and boost your business).

All the road blocks have been taking away and 15 years of experience has been poured in!

There's no better time than now!

With International Students in 36 Countries the Canine Bowen Institute receives rave reviews across the globe!

The Canine Bowen Institute offers 3 paths of learning:

1. Quick Pro. All you need to get yourself successfully out into the world!

2. Full Practitioner Certification and Pricing.Ready whenever you are!

3. Response5. For you and your dog.

Each path ensures a neurological solution (the missing link) to Animal Health Care. 

What's the best path for you?

It all begins with Liz's experience with Response5


Recommended by Dr.Karen Becker Integrative Veterinarian. The worlds most followed Veterinarian...

The Canine Bowen Institute is incredibly proud to meet the high standards and approval of the International Association of Animal Massage and Bodywork as a Preferred Educational Provider.
You are ensured of a high quality in depth learning experience.
The Canine Bowen Institute goes above and beyond to excel in Student success.

Student Course Feedback

Congratutlations Catherine!! August 31st. 2024

The level 2 course has not only provided me with a whole new set of moves for my Practice but it has also given me confidence when dealing with stubborn mobility issues for a lot of my clients.

Even the most experienced of Practitioners can appreciate seeing the amazing benefits this modality offers.

I'm excited to work with these new moves to allow my clients the absolute most out of their ABT appointments.

They will allow me to offer minimal treatment with the most profound benefits, less is more!

Learning Animal Bowen Therapy has opened new ways of seeing the animal kingdom and I can't wait to be able to expand my business to the next level.

These courses have given me the tools I needed to challenge myself and to add a whole new adventure to my Clientele, one tha tI have been waiting a long time to delve into.

I love working with all animals, an I am excited to see what the future will hold. This girl has got some big goals!!

Catherine Dowhaniuk

Alberta Canada

My Experience with Canine Bowen Study - July 2024 - New Deli India

I began studying canine Bowen with Debi with a dream to make a difference to the lives of animals who may be experiencing pain and discomfort. 

Debi’s program is very well illustrated and the documentation is very thorough. As a result, there were barely any doubts with regard to the techniques. And the few that I had were dealt with very promptly over mail. 

I have seen Bowen work wonders on dogs who have suffered recent injury and trauma and also animals nursing chronic medical conditions. Bowen is  a supportive therapy to sound veterinary care. 

Debi has been encouraging of my dreams and I cannot thank her enough for seeing me through this. I do value the opportunity of working with each animal who may come to me for Bowen therapy.

Thank you once again Debi.

Vandna M Sarin

New Delhi, India

A big big congratulation to Pamala Martin - July 2023

The speciality moves class was so informative! And as always Debi creates very professional videos that are  clear and easy to follow. The diagrams are great as well. The manual including all classes are so valuable and helpful.
I challenged myself on level 2 and worked on two goats,
both having pretty significant issues. I felt very challenged but I'm so grateful for the experience. I realize from my experiences so far in Animal Bowen that there are cases where you may not think much will happen but it does!! Then you can also have expectations and high hope that a profound thing will happen and it doesn't. We can not control the outcome because that is always left to the Animal or the human.
I will spend the rest of my workable career evolving in animal as well as human Bowen therapy. I am so grateful to Debi for her dedication to this work and for creating this online course for people like myself who want to make a difference in this amazing healing work..
From the Heart
Catherine Dowhaniuk Lvl 1 practitioners course Case Study Summary ~ March 2023

 I feel that starting treatment with R5, not only allows the body to prepare for more future treatment, but also allows for the Therapist and Animal to have a meet and greet, build a little trust, bond, and still achieve some healing through the animal's body. I felt taking this approach made treatment for the following sessions much easier. 

Although I am grateful for the opportunity to treat other animals, treating Romeo (cat) was a bit of a challenge to say the least. Unlike dogs, cats can be most uncooperative, as cats will do what they want, when they want, and often won't come when called. There were many points during treatment, where Romeo needed to be held and coaxed back with treats and toys, just to get a few key moves in. I wished I could have helped Romeo further over the course of treatment, however I feel that Ashley’s plan to figure out a diet will offer Romeo greater benefits. An update from Ashley, Romeo is doing much better, His limp is gone and he has returned to his normal healthy self. 

I also found it difficult to use my own animal as a case study, as I was offering her more treatment in between the treatments, so I don't feel that I gave the R15 sequence a totally fair trial with Ember, although she did benefit greatly. Lessons were learned on using toys to distract during treatment. It is a great way to engage with the animal as well as offer a proper treatment, I will continue to use this method going forward. Treating older dogs is a treat, although Layla's Subluxed Elbow will not allow her to fully heal, there were many benefits noticed from treatment to treatment and I know I was able to offer her some benefit. 

The love, connection, and benefits you see over treatments with older animals is nothing short of remarkable. Treating seniors is so easy and offers so much reward for both myself and the animals. I am excited to continue on with my ABT learning and be able to offer more benefits to more animals in the future. Catherine Dowhaniuk.

Summary for my Level 1 Whole Body Balance Course ~ Pamala Martin ~ March 2023

I have learned so much from this part of my Bowen training for animals. I also realize from this course there is still so much more to learn and experience and this will come with time. I remember when I started my Reflexology training back in 1997 how overwhelming it was . I practiced on as many feet as possible before I even started my 100 hours of clinical. The same with Massage Therapy 3 years later. As the years go by I will develop my skills, confidence , and intuition when working with the animals. I look forward to getting to the next level and feel im ready to venture out to working on other animals. I have been trying to sneak in some techniques R5 on my kitty Diesel but when I get to the #5 he always jumps away. I will keep trying.

My biggest case study Challenge was Gabe . I felt defeated in some way and at first wanted to cancel it , but decided it was a good experience and would be confronted with this in the future.My favorite case study was working with Bella. Watching her progress as the weeks went by and seeing the happiness it was bringing her parents and even grandparents :) brought so much joy.I became so much more aware of why I am drawn to working with the animal kingdom.

The biggest and fastest change took place with Duke. Im thinking its because his issues were very new . I might say acute since it had ben going for a couple of weeks. Chronic issues seem to take a little longer to show results. I have found this in Human Bodywork also.

Debi you are such a great teacher! Your feedback from my reports and case studies have been so helpful. I love that one of the assignments was to do papers on the Horse, Cat, Turtle, Iguana and bird and download the skeletal system. I was so surprised to learn from you that you can work on the turtles shell to stimulate the spine. Im excited about the possibilities of working on one.

I have Chickens but so far none have any injuries but if and when that happens im so grateful to have a tool to help.

My dog Knight with DM continues to get treatment along with other therapies and Energy healings. He just turned 11 and was diagnosed almost 2 years ago. were still hanging in and there are still challenging times with the DM . Its because of him that I signed up for R5 and when seeing the results knew I had to do the entire course to help other animals and their humans.

Thank you so much Debi for all that you do to provide the way for us all to learn and grow!

Sincerely Pamala Martin

Liz Lermitte November 2022

As in my case studies with Response5 and WBB, the pets are amazing and the love that people have for their pets is so heartwarming. I truly cherish the interactions with both. 

This level was my favourite because something seemed to click for me. I think it was the combination of no pressure with assignments leaving more time to focus on technique. Having to create sessions with the 8 new moves meant I had to really study the purpose and potential results for each move which naturally engaged me more in WHAT we are doing with Bowen and WHY before doing the HOW. I spent much more time studying the muscles involved and how each Move affects mobility. 

ABT is often so simple to apply and effective, I have found it’s easy to get complacent and just do it and watch for obvious results. By understanding more, I have greater conviction that what I am doing IS making a difference even if the results aren’t visibly evident. Also, the response the pet shows in relaxation, enjoyment and relief during a session, often displayed in doggy gratitude, has a positive impact on both the pets and family members.

 I had a lot more confidence going into each case study knowing I was starting with a simple and powerful Response5 treatment and then building on that from there. 

I really enjoyed having to use creativity in putting together a treatment plan before each session and map it out on paper, to follow during the session, based on what the dog was dealing with. Having the additional 8 Canine Specialty Moves gives me a more complete Tool Box to address specific needs. 

Even with 10 case studies or so under my belt, an increased confidence, a great logo, business cards and a website almost ready to publish, I still can’t believe that I am at this point. I feel like I’m just getting started and I have so much more to learn and can I build a successful and sustainable practice from here?

 My next assignments are: ● Continue learning ● Put myself out there ● Let go and let God Not necessarily in that order! 

Thank you Debi for making the learning material and videos so simple, thorough and easy to follow. If you have any words of wisdom on the building of my practice from here, I am all ears!

Linda McNally did it! May 2022

My experience with Animal Bowen therapy has been incredible! 

It's really amazing to see such a difference in dogs with so little movements done!! I have met some wonderful people and love working with their dogs, and love how the pet parents can see their dogs changing after every treatment 

Animal Bowen therapy course is fantastic, super fun learning all the moves, practicing on my pups and then taking it to other people dogs. You can even learn animal Bowen Therapy as far away as in Brisbane Australia, and its all online. Thank you Debi…

 Melissa Gourlay April 2022

Not going to lie, I was skeptical before starting this program. It just seemed mind boggling that lightly touching the body can address issues that we have always thought couldn’t be addressed without surgery or medications. 

As I continued to see more and more dogs come in to be groomed that had such so many mobility issues and all the owners could do was use medications to help reduce the pain levels, which didn’t always work. It was extremely frustrating as an animal lover to see them age uncomfortably. Why does getting old have to mean that they are in pain or uncomfortable because we don’t have any options to help them? So I took the leap and signed up. 

I have thoroughly enjoyed the whole course. Learning about the process to help and heal dogs and other animals has been very rewarding. I learned so much during the research portion for the different mobility to the varying skeletal structures of the animals. Looking at the variety of skeletal structures was fascinating!

 I am really glad that I took the leap and took this course. Being able to see an older dog with mobility issues come back to life gives you an amazing feeling. Some of the dogs I used for case studies got their energy back, some were able to stand better, and some had their pain levels reduced. Hearing back from the owners about how their dogs are changing was the best experience, and how excited the owners were to see their old dogs come back to life. It is so rewarding, on many levels! 

I can’t wait to continue meeting more dogs and different animals, and see if I can help them too!

Jill George. December 2021

Learning Bowen therapy has opened my eyes, I now look at the body as a whole unit of connections and energy. Rather than treating the symptoms (ex: chronic pain) to look at the bigger picture and ask why pain is there and what is the body trying to tell us.

My journey with K9 Bowen continues to be rewarding with each new dog I meet I gain a friend for life. It is heartwarming to hear from owners, that their dog has the same reaction to me as if I was a family member. I enjoy collaborating with people so they can get a better understanding of what their furry friend’s body is trying to indicate and it strengthens the bond between them.

My favourite part is I use my skills daily with my dog who suffers from a hind leg injury. Before I begin Bowen, I assumed his hind end would be weak, but I never thought about how his injury affected the rest of his body. I am now able to interpret and understand better what his body is displaying.

It is so exciting to begin the next chapter as a licensed canine Bowen therapy practitioner and to create my own business where I look forward to getting up each day because I am helping improve a dog’s motion and quality of life.

Congratulations To Melissa and Jill!!
Thrilled to have you onboard as certified Animal Bowen Therapy Practitioners.
As always, I'm right here to support you...
I cannot tell you how much I've enjoyed this WBB ( Level 1) course! 
Solid information and such a well organized program to enable a smooth ,at your own pace, learning environment. 
You can certainly see the amount of work that was put into your course and training platform! 
With support only an email away, I never felt overwhelmed. Seeing incredible results with many case studies very quickly, was the highlight of my training. It encourages me to dive further into studies, in order to keep helping animals and their family members even better! 
Thank you so much for offering this great program! “Every BODY is better with BOWEN” 
Julie MacDonald 
February 28 2021
Congratulations Julie on your April 2021 Certification! 

More Student Course Feedback

The Animal Bowen Therapy (ABT) course was wonderful!

The explanations were very clear and easy to follow. The videos provided a great visual on how to apply the techniques.I felt the course content to be very thorough in all aspects. 

Debi is extremely knowledgable and has a gift for teaching in a clear, concise and calm manner. The Animal Bowen Therapy techniques were highly effective in all my case studies.

I particularly enjoyed the Canine Specialty Moves portion of the course. It is very rewarding to be able to release tension in the muscle and fascia to help correct postural deficits caused by sources other than conformation. When conformation is less than ideal, accumulated tension will eventually spiral throughout the body; ABT makes a world of difference in this situation too, helping to prevent tightness and weaknesses before problems occur. When muscles are contracted they do not have power, therefore they become weak. As other muscles begin to compensate, this can eventually lead to postural deficits, weakness in the front or hind end of the animal and often decrease in core strength. Ultimately this spiralling effect can lead to soreness, lamenesses and other health issues. ABT is effective in restoring muscle symmetry and promoting fascial health. The animals love it! 

Thank you Debi for making your knowledge available to all of us around the world. 

Leslie A. Kennedy Dynamic Bodywurks Canada Fergus, On Canada

Animal Bowen Therapy Level 1 Summary of Experience ~ Leslie Kennedy June 2020

 The Animal Bowen Therapy Level 1 course was very informative and well put together. The videos and instructions were very clear. 

Even though I did not contact my instructor I know Debi was just an email or phone call away if I had needed to contact her. From past experience I know she would answer almost immediately. 

Response 15 was very interesting and added another depth of dimension to build upon Response 5. The animals I worked with, two dogs, a horse, and a premature bull calf totally enjoyed their sessions. 

All showed great releases during the ABT therapy. Although I am a Certified Master Method Practitioner (MMCP) for horses, it was educational to apply Bowen techniques to the horse which proved to be very successful. 

My most interesting and rewarding case was the premature Angus Bull Calf. Against all odds little Hill Top Jack Spratt survived and is thriving! I believe the Response 5 Step 1 technique was critical in kick starting Jack’s system considering it “address all systems and cells of the body”. Movement #11 of the Response 15 techniques was especially beneficial to improving Jack’s front end weakness. In my opinion it was the second most critical technique that helped Jack along his fight for life.

Level 1 Graduate ~ Cathy Slaney April 2020

The most intriguing case study was Titan, the German Shepherd with the Hypertrophic Osteodystrophy (HOD) that is found in many fast-growing large and giant breeds of dogs. The vet does not feel that he is in any pain or that it will cause any significant issues in the future. However he was supportive of my efforts to address the deformation and agreed that the braces were improving his posture even if only when wearing them. I intend to persevere with Titan and work towards improving his condition.

 I must applaud the high quality of the program and the successful development of useful and effective modes of delivery - excellent videos and learning materials as well as practical assignments to support the learning process. The case studies were practical and provided an opportunity to experiment with various species and develop a personal routine and mode of the practice. 

So thank you Debi for your attentive efforts to ensure that all the necessary tools and information were available for an efficient learning process and positive experience. I appreciate your quick response to any questions I might have had and the prompt feedback to the submission of Response 5. I intend to immediately carry on into the next level as I am eager to address new issues in other dogs I have lined up. Looking forward to the next steps.


Read the entire summary here

Elin Langron ~ Estonia 

Animal Bowen Therapy Practitioner June 2019

Initially I was a bit sceptical about Bowen on-line course. But after the first video training in Responses 5 all my doubts were gone and I admired the thought and professionalism that had gone into preparing the materials and videos. 

The structure of the Responses 5 and the subsequent Levels maintains the high standard of valuable information and is logical and easy to follow. Level 2 builds easily and well to the earlier stages of learning. Training videos are clearly presented and well demonstrated and manuals extremely helpful. 

After completion of the Responses and the Levels 1,2 it is amazing just how much I have learned in these courses. Not only the moves but the background of various breeds, most commonly occurring diseases, behaviour, anatomy especially bone and muscle structure. The practise sessions showed how different the dogs even of the same breed can feel when doing the hands-on assessment. 

Sometimes the results surprised me – health problems of various nature (incontinence, behaviour, bladder and large intestine problems) improved. Mobility problems almost always also got better. But of course, I realize not one therapy is 100% successful. 

So, thank you, Debi, for this wonderful opportunity to learn.

Sherri Hedges~Australia

Animal Bowen Therapy Practitioner April 2020

...they say if you do what you love, you'll never work a day in your life. That's my goal, to help as many dogs as I can. 

Debi is a fabulous mentor and instructor. I can be a  bit of a loner when it comes to learning new things. But Debi has been at the end of an email whenever I reached out. 

My friend and fellow Bowen Therapist, Stacey, who introduced me to this incredible field, by treating my own arthritic dog,has been a world of support.

Florence Giliberti~Greece

Animal Bowen Therapy Practitioner April 2020

Ever since I learned Human Bowen Technique in 2004, I always had in mind also learning the technique for animals...I wanted the tool and of course the certification to be able to provide help to these little creatures I love so much...

...I know that this technique will never stop amazing me, especially on animals, who are the best receptors of alternative therapies...I'm happy and proud to be the first certified Animal Bowen Practitioner (in Greece) and so excited and eager to provide better health to my furry clients!
The technique works wonders on almost everything and has a holistic approach to balancing the whole body... 
Once again, thank you Mr Tom Bowen and of course, thank YOU Debi!!

Francine Paradis~Canada

Animal Bowen Therapy Practitioner May 2019

Debi I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of your work and effort in making Canine Bowen a reality.

When I was taking the Human Bowen course I kept looking as to where I can take the Canine Bowen course and by the grace of God I found you. 
I enjoy treating people with Bowen but I have to say that I love treating dogs with Bowen. The instant results are so amazing, especially when the owner of the dog comments on the improvement on their own with no encouragement from me. 

The gratefulness and joy that I get when I see and know that I have helped a dog is beyond anything that I can express in words.  

Especially when you know that the owners were contemplating to have to make that awful decision and to find out that Bowen has given them extra quality time with their dog for a longer period.  Such as Zeus, it is now 2 1/2 months that we started the Bowen treatment on Zeus and he is still going strong, happy and moving around quite well on his own.  Bowen literally saved  Zeus' life.  

I can't wait to start my journey with canine Bowen knowing that I can make a small difference in a dog's life.

I am so excited, all of this would not be possible without your hard work in creating a wonderful course.  
Thank you so much for your guidance and for just being there.


Joan McCarthy ~ Canada Animal Bowen Therapy Practitioner May 2019

Bowen Therapy has been a dream come true, not only for me but for the dogs I have helped! It is hard to believe that such simple moves can make such a difference. 

I am forever grateful to Debi for offering this course and the support she provides. I did the online version and love the opportunity that I can look back and review the moves. I have learned so much and really enjoyed the assignments. Debi has been available for guidance and support at all times.

I feel quite overwhelmed with the success I have had. It is truly an honour to work with animals and see their quality of life improve so quickly. 

I really liked Debi’s videos and that she places a lot of emphasis on respecting the animal you are working with. This is so important and carries so much weight in understanding the needs of the animals. 

This course is definitely provided by someone who believes in her work! Her enthusiasm is contagious! I hope others will engage in this therapy. If you are considering taking this course, I highly recommend it if your true desire is to help animals live the best life possible. You will not regret it!!

Joan McCarthy

Marco Gilberti ~ Italy

Animal Bowen Therapy Practitioner July 2019

I love Animal Bowen Therapy, and animals love it too!

Animal Bowen Therapy is a ‘light-touch’ therapy offering animals a gentle, non-invasive and effective hands-on technique that aims to promote healing, pain-relief and body/energy rebalancing. 

When I treat animals with this therapy,I feel comfortable giving something unique and special, which will always brings the animal into a self-healing state.

It's wonderful to see how the power of the body can heal itself.
best regards
Marco Gilberti

Rachel Johnson ~ Ontario Canada 

Level 1 Completion:

My favourite case study was both Maggie and Kali. They both had great results and I felt successful throughout the process and that after each session I saw the difference I was making. Through out the course I learned how important it is to take notes before sessions. If I were to fix anything it would be to have taken more photos and included more videos. As well as more notes before sessions and my observations. I felt my relationship with my instructor was very positive and I felt very supported through out the whole process. As when I had any questions Debi was very prompt at replying and helping me along the way.

...More Course Feedback

Joan ~ Canada
I have thoroughly enjoyed level 1 Whole Body Balance. I feel I have learned so much from researching the different animals, and how Bowen Therapy can benefit so many. I was skeptic and yet so hopeful in the beginning. I am glad I pursued this course, because it has brought me so much satisfaction in helping animals live the best life available to them. I am feeling more confident working with animals and seeing the difference it makes in their overall well-being. I am quite happy to have Debi available to answer questions, as needed. The online videos and information are so helpful, as I can keep reviewing this until I feel I’ve ‘got it’. It feels so good to be helping alleviate suffering in so many pets. I love the hands on treatment as I am a firm believer in the healing that comes from touch. The Bowen moves are so gentle but provide dramatic results! I will be forever grateful to all those who allowed me to work with their beloved pets and instilled their trust in me. I love working with animals as they appreciate that you are trying to help them. A beautiful lick at the end of the therapy reassures me that they feel the love and care being provided. Thank you Debi Famelos, for this wonderful course and the new opportunities to support so many pets and families. 
Francine ~ Canada
I must compliment you on your course.
It is well organized, and I have to say it is very detailed!
Congrats to you for your hard work and I'm so glad we connected.
I enjoyed the course immensely and look forward to working with the dogs in the future in helping them have a more fulfilled life and in turn giving their owners more time to enjoy their furry companions.

Marco ~ Italy

Animal Bowen Therapy is amazing! I have seen results in such a short time and I'm always pleasantly surprised with all improvements, in every area of the animal, emotional and physical.
The videos were made with great attention to detail, in fact I always have the feeling of clear understanding with every movement

The course fully satisfies me 100%

Elin ~ Estonia

Your study videos are so clear and it is easy to learn. I have been watching them over and over again.
Thank you so much for this learning opportunity.

Florence ~ Greece
As you imagine my experience has been incredible! It's really amazing to see such difference with so little done...but then again, this is Bowen!! I have met some wonderful people and love working with the dogs who really seem to enjoy it! What also amazes me a lot is,apart from the, so far, mechanical benefits of the technique, the way the dogs change expressions, look happier, calmer and sometimes even younger...I can't explain it though since you can tell they hurt less...
I've been wanting to learn Bowen for animals ever since I finished the human course in 2004, so you can imagine how happy I am to be able to do that now! Planning to be the first certified Animal Bowen Therapy Practitioner in Greece and thanks to you, I'm on my way!!

...More Animal Bowen Therapy Class Summaries 




















Nahleen Ashton ~ Nova Scotia

As someone who has worked with dogs in a variety of ways over the last 15 years I was initially somewhat apprehensive to take the course and apply a completely different aspect to the animals that I have become so passionate about. The first online course left me intrigued and although a little hesitant with the moves, I found that my canine friends were more then happy to oblige with the sessions. After our weekend course my confidence improved and I could see a difference reflected in the dogs that I worked with. I could see improvements in not only mobility but also general well being in the dogs and cats that I was seeing. I slowly became more self assured with the moves, the pressure and positioning.

Our second level opened up a whole new outlook towards the body and nervous system connection and re-enforced the benefits of Bowen even more. The moves were a little more intense and it took me some time to really feel the rhythm of some of the front end and neck steps. Working in a group environment guided by Debi helped immensely getting the feedback and comments of the other students facilitated the overview of each new step and how it applied to the specific issues that may come up in a session.

Throughout the classes and online courses, videos and worksheets my backup and support was always the dogs and cats that I had the pleasure of working with. Each one with his/her own issues and progress, they instilled just how much this gentle touch can potentially help to improve their daily lives.

I don't like to choose favourites but I think I was most impressed with Charlotte's progression. A senior Lab who was in foster care and could barely move when she was first rescued. Over the weeks, my visits to her and our sessions became not only easier (because she couldn't wait to be touched after her first session) but also instilled the obvious healing power of Canine Bowen by her obvious mobility improvements and increasingly upbeat character. By the end of our case study together Charlotte had jumped up into the car!!! Something that none of us had ever thought possible. NOTE: Since then Charlotte has been adopted :)

I can say that I am very fortunate and grateful to have completed this course and to be able to share the knowledge and passion in the future.

"I knew I wanted to work with animals. But I had no idea that this course, taught by Debi Famelos, would be so life changing! I encourage you to explore Debi's Private Practice. It's full of great information,videos and testimonials"  ~ Karen