Full Course Pricing
It takes all the pressure off commitment to do case studies and allows you to focus on learning. It couldn't be any easier!

Upon completion of Response5 case studies (optional) Students are granted 50 hours of study time. 30 hours of Learning. 10 hours per Case Study (10x2)

Upon completion of Whole Body Balance case studies ( optional) Students are granted 150 hours of study time. 110 hours of Learning. 10 hours per Case Study (10x2) - 10 hours per Assignment ( 10x2)

Upon Completion of Canine Specialty Moves Students are granted 150 hours of study time. 120 hours of Learning. 10 hours per Case Study (10x3)

"I cannot tell you how much I've enjoyed this course!
Solid information and such a well organized program to enable a smooth ,at your own pace, learning environment.
You can certainly see the amount of work that was put into your course and training platform!
With support only an email away, I never felt overwhelmed. Seeing incredible results with many case studies very quickly, was the highlight of my training. It encourages me to dive further into studies, in order to keep helping animals and their family members even better!
Thank you so much for offering this great program! “Every BODY is better with BOWEN”
Julie MacDonald
Quick Pro $498 ( with promo code:Quick300 )
Canine Specialty Moves $699 ( special pricing available when purchasing full course )
Specialized Procedures $399 ( special pricing available when purchasing full course )
Full Course Special Pricing $1000
( savings of $596 when you
register for full course )