Simply fill out the form below and you're guaranteed to be added to the Quick Pro Budget Friendly list to ensure you receive $300 OFF.
I'll be sending you a personal email in the upcoming days so please let me know a bit about yourself. Excited to support you personally!
Check your inbox ( and junk folder ) with the subject line Canine Bowen Quick Pro.
Let's start you off with a few Quick Pro Tips designed to answer any questions you might have.
1.Does Canine Bowen Quick Pro require any equipment? None. All you need is your hands. You'll be using your hands in a gentle rolling motion to create results.
2.Do you need to have knowledge of Canine Anatomy to begin Quick Pro? No, absolute not!
3. Do you need to do case studies? Only if you want to. Quick Pro is designed to get you learning and adding this incredible neurological therapy to your business FAST, without having to be held back by case studies. However, I'd suggest you do a few case studies as they're a perfect promotional tool for your business. You'll find all you need to do case studies within the course. But no, it's not a requisite.
4. Will you have lifetime access, full support, with no needed extra cost and 100% online? Yes.Yes.Yes. And Yes.
5. What's the cost?
After 10 years of teaching and many more years serving my community as the go to therapy for getting animals back on track, I can't think of a better way to celebrate YOU.
Quick Pro is jammed pack with all you need to finally resolve those tough cases and soar your business.
There's no better time than now.